About Us

The Twin Cities World Tourism Association, in short TCWTA, was founded on the 14th of September 2018 in Langkawi/Malaysia, with the aim to support and foster exchange and face-to-face encounter of citizens from different nationalities and cultures. In order to achieve this TCWTA plans to strengthen travel and tourism activities between twinned towns and communities.

Founding President of the TCWTA is Thomas-Peter Binder, offering his vast experience as President of Public Services of the Zürich Kanton and also of Switzerland. He is well acquainted with international twin city relations.

Burhanettin Kocamaz, the Lord Mayor of Mersin, was elected Honorary President of the TCWTA as one of the Initiators of the idea to found this association.

The well-known tourism expert Hüseyin Baraner was appointed General Secretary of the TCWTA, providing his international network of tourism contacts on the highest level.

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Georg Arlt, Director of the China Outbound Tourism Research Institute, will lead the Department Chinese Region, whereas the marketing expert Enrique Lepehne will offer his vast experience in the Latin American Region. Support for PR activities of active twin cities will be offered by the journalist Christopher Kubaseck as Chief Press Officer TCWTA. Kubaseck will also be responsible for the management of global communication for TCWTA.