
A list of the activities we were able to realize in spite of the pandemic

September 14, 2018

Twin Cities Word Tourism Association founding event.

The Twin Cities World Tourism Association was founded on September 14, 2018, on the occasion of the largest travel and

The Twin Cities World Tourism Association was launched on September 14, 2018 on the occasion of the largest travel and tourism market in South East Asia. This is with the aim of not only promoting new city partnerships, but also encouraging more frequent travel between the twin cities. Read more about the founding event of the TCWTA here: ((link))


January 18, 2019

Town twinning in a digitalized world

At the January 19, 2019 workshop, mayors, academics, and tourism experts met to provide new impetus for town twinning in a digitized world. Four questions were at the heart of this workshop:

- Why are city partnerships important?

- How do we get the most benefit from town twinning?

- How can town twinning be lived in today's digital world?

- How can tourism support town twinning?

The workshop with the mayors, scientists and tourism experts was a first important step on the way to answer these questions.


May 19, 2022, 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

"Sister Cities in Tourism. Sustainability through Relationships."

Embedded in the conference "Back to Travel 2022" organized together with Tourexpi and the city of Bingen, the Twincitites World Tourism Association (TCWTA) will contest the central part of the program on Thursday: town twinning has lost none of its topicality. Stable bridges are being built between twinned cities, allowing intensive exchange on a wide variety of levels. Especially now, when we are stunned by an extremely bad war in Europe, it becomes visible again how important stable, cross-border friendships are. Partnerships between cities and communities promote cultural exchange, travel and tourism between different worlds. This strengthens peace in the long term. TCWTA presents examples and ideas for promoting town twinning.